
García Haro

Pedro Haro is Associate Professor at the Bioenergy Group in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the Universidad de Sevilla (USE) and researcher of the Cátedra Fundación CEPSA-Energía. He has intensively collaborated with several universities and research centers during his career. Pedro is an expert on process modeling and simulation (including the use of Aspen Plus process simulator). He also did a research stay at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (formerly FZK, Germany) in the framework of the bioliq® project for the production of synthetic gasoline from agricultural residues. Before joining USE, Pedro was post-doc at the Asociación de Investigación y Cooperación Industrial de Andalucía (AICIA) with a Torres Quevedo grant (2014-15) and at the Chalmers University of Technology (Energy and Environment Department, Division of Energy Technology) in Sweden (2013-14). At Chalmers, Pedro has focused on the evaluation of pre-commercial and demonstration projects for energy recovery from biomass (production of bio-Substitute Natural Gas: bio-SNG). At AICIA, Pedro has continued with the evaluation of pre-commercial and demonstration projects. In 2017, he was awarded with the prestigious Fulbright-Schuman grant (Scholar) at the University of Princeton for the preliminary assessment of the role of hydrogen future penetration of renewable electricity in U.S. and European grids. Pedro has started a research line at the University of Seville for dynamic energy systems analysis and sustainability assessment for green hydrogen. Before becoming Associate Professor, he was a Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación fellow (Energy subject). Since 2017, he is external evaluator and rapporteur of international projects (H2020/Europe, Innovation Funds, and BBI). Lately, he is principal investigator of a project for the incorporation of green hydrogen in the refineries of CEPSA in Andalusia and researcher in other public and private funding hydrogen project.

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